Keynsham, twinned with Libourne
Libourne is Keynsham's twin town situated near to Bordeaux in South-West France. The choir in Libourne have visited Keynsham several times over the last 15 years and the orchestra have been to Libourne on four occasions in that time.

We stay with host families and have joint concerts at which we play both separately and together.
The Orchestra was invited to Libourne in the week before Easter 2013. Once again, we were shown fabulous hospitality. Many of us stayed with host families and much effort was put in to ensure that we had a thoroughly enjoyable visit. The highlight was a joint concert with the Ensemble Choral de Libourne at the Chateau La Couspaude, Saint-Emilion on Wednesday 27th March 2013.

The Ensemble Choral de Libourne on their most recent visit to Keynsham in April 2015. The previous visit to was in April 2007.
Berry Head
The orchestra make an annual residential trip, most recently to the beautiful nature reserve at Berry Head in Devon.
This is a relaxed social event which includes walks in the stunning countryside, eating, drinking, talking, laughing - and of course playing the most amazing music!
Country Walks
We are also sure to enjoy a country walk instead of rehearsing in the last week of summer. The route varies, but always ends at an agreeable destination... the pub!

July 2023